Probation Violations
Get Back On Track After A Probation Violation
Probation is obviously preferable to jail time, however it comes with a complicated set of rules and the standard for documenting a violation of those rules is unfortunately low: there is no jury in probation hearings, only a judge whose discretion can have a huge impact on your life. Furthermore, prosecutors need not prove "beyond a reasonable doubt" that you have violated the terms of your probation, as is typically required in criminal proceedings; they only need to show that it is "more likely than not" that a violation has occurred — a much lower standard.
Because those on probation have no right to a jury and face a lower burden of proof, it's even more important than usual to have a skilled lawyer at your side to help you successfully navigate probation as well as parole. At the Law Offices of James E. Sulick, LLC, we will help you understand your options so that you can reach the best outcome available to you and complete your probation as quickly as possible.
Experience In Both Types Of Criminal Court
In Connecticut, probation violations are handled by two types of court depending on the nature of the offense. The more serious violations, such as alleged murder, go to judicial district court. Other charges, from domestic violence to shoplifting, are handled by geographical area courts. Our firm has decades of experience providing successful criminal defense services for our clients in both types of court.
We represent those charged with any offense that violates the terms of their parole. Some of the most common offenses include:
Driving without a license
Failure to comply with treatment requirements
Don't Let A Probation Violation Derail Your Rehabilitation
Probation is a demanding experience, but with an attorney on your side who cares about your long-term success, you can get through probation and return to regular life without cumbersome restrictions. A probation violation can cause problems along the way, but it doesn't mean you can't successfully complete your sentence.
Contact the Law Offices of James E. Sulick, LLC, to learn how we can help. The first consultation is free: call 860-288-4395 or send an email to schedule an appointment.
Our office is open Monday through Friday, in South Windsor. Saturday appointments are available by request.